
6 unusual facts about Canada goose

1995 Alaska Boeing E-3 Sentry accident

With its crew unaware that the Hercules had disturbed a flock of Canada geese, the Sentry lined up and started its departure roll, as it rotated No. 1 and No. 2 engine ingested the birds.

Cold Bay, Alaska

Approximately 130,000 Pacific Black Brant, 62,000 Emperor Geese, 50,000 Taverner's Canada Geese, 300,000 ducks, and 80,000 shore birds stop over in the Izembek area during migration and as many as 50,000 Steller's Eiders find winter grounds there.

Edmonton Journal

During the summer months, the newspaper's website has a popular live camera of a Canada Goose and its eggs.

Kings Hill / Southwest Salmon

Artwork around the station recalls Tanner Creek, which was buried and infilled early in Portland's history, and a bronze goose paying tribute to the Goose Hollow neighborhood.

Tulelake Basin Joint Unified School District

Tulelake High School, located in the town of Tulelake, instructs grades seven through twelve, and its mascot is the Honker, a slang term for the Canada Goose.

Wills Sainte Claire

Outside of automotive circles, Wills Sainte Claire is best known for its Canada goose logo.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Park

Birds that have natural habitat to watch for in the park are Shovelers, Gadwall, Wigeon, Ring-necks, Bufflehead, Redhead, Scaup, Ruddy's, Pintail, Pied-billed grebes, Snow Geese, Canada Goose, and herons.

Jessie Lake

The lake hosts thousands of ducks, Canada geese, American Coots, blackbirds and other bird species throughout the period from April through October.

see also

Dani Reiss

In 2009, Reiss and his team established the Canada Goose Resource Centres in three locations in Northern Canada, along with partners First Air and the North West Company.

Since the early 2000s, Canada Goose has expanded internationally and, in 2010, opened an office in Stockholm, Sweden for its European operations.