
unusual facts about Canadian government

Africa–Canada relations

That same year the Canadian government also suspended all aid to Africa, a sharp shift from its position as a key humanitarian donor and development partner in Africa.

Air Defense Anti-Tank System

In September 2005, the Canadian Government and the Canadian Forces announced a modernization program, transforming the ADATS and associated command, control and communications systems into a Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle (MMEV).

Alaska gas pipeline

Opposition to the Alaska natural gas pipeline route mandate and price supports came from both the Bush administration and the Canadian government.

Canadian Coalition for Democracies

The CCD placed particular emphasis on calling for the Canadian government to adopt a pro-Israel stance, and rejected providing Palestinians with any development or humanitarian assistance and was very critical of the Muslim world and, in particular, of groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

Gomery Commission

The Gomery Commission, formally the Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities, was a federal Canadian Royal Commission headed by the retired Justice John Gomery for the purpose of investigating the sponsorship scandal, which involved allegations of corruption within the Canadian government.

Hawker Siddeley

In 1945, the Hawker Siddeley purchased Victory Aircraft of Malton, Ontario, Canada from the Canadian government, renaming the company A.V. Roe Canada, commonly known as Avro Canada, initially a wholly owned subsidiary of Hawker Siddeley.


On October 21, 2011 the Canadian government announced a $1.1 billion contract to General Dynamics Land Systems to upgrade 550 LAV III combat vehicles.

Old Dawson Trail

In 1857, the Canadian government commissioned engineer Simon J. Dawson to survey a route from Lake Superior to the Red River Colony, thereby allowing travel from the east without having to take the existing routes through the United States Dawson surveyed the route in 1858 and construction of the roads began in 1868.

World Affairs Council of Seattle

He joined the Council in the middle of a career working with CARE and the Canadian government.

see also

Alaska gas pipeline

Either proposal required the approval of the Canadian government, which named Thomas Berger to lead an inquiry into the proposals.

Audri Mukhopadhyay

From 2002 to 2003, he was the Canadian government's representative to ICANN.


This was the case in Canada were Ukrainian Canadians activists such as Jaroslav Rudnyckyj and Paul Yuzyk and other "third force" successfully pressured the Canadian government to adopt multiculturalism as official policy in 1971.

Canada–Grenada relations

In the early 1980s, the Canadian government contributed six million US dollar for the contraction of the Point Salines International, as today known as the Maurice Bishop International Airport.

Canadian Government Ship Stanley

The Canadian Government Ship Stanley has been described as Canada's first truly effective icebreaker.

Canadian National 3254

In 1918, the Canadian Government Railways combined with the Canadian Northern Railway formed the Canadian National Railways.

Canadians of convenience

On July 19, 2011, Canadian Government announced through Immigration Minister Jason Kenney its intention to revoke the citizenship of 1,800 people it believes obtained their status through "fraudulent" means, and residing abroad.


The Canadian government continues to draw both domestic and international criticism for its stance on chrysotile, most recently in international meetings about the Rotterdam Convention hearings regarding chrysotile.


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, a Canadian government agency providing homebuyer assistance and insurance to lenders in case of defaults.

Dawn of Fantasy

As an independent studio for the vast majority of DoF's development, Reverie World Studios (originally, Reverie Entertainment) obtained funding from the Canadian Government's Telefilm Grant.

Decolonization of the Americas

Delaying the transfer of Rupert's Land to Canada was the Red River Rebellion in 1869, which sought independence and self-government but was put down by the new Canadian government, leading to the creation of the Royal North-West Mountain Police.

Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat

The building, as named, serves as a de facto embassy for the Aga Khanate of Nizari Ismailism in Canada, through which the Aga Khan's office (under the auspices of the Aga Khan Foundation) can receive dignitaries of the Canadian government.

Edward Walter Maunder

His last eclipse expedition was to Labrador for the Solar eclipse of August 30, 1905 at the invitation of the Canadian government.

Eugène Lapierre

From 1924–1928 Lapierre studied in Paris through a grant from the Canadian government, first at the Institut Grégorien where he earned a diploma in 1926 and then at the Schola cantorum where he eared a diploma in 1928.

Francis Henry Keefer

He was a persistent advocate of deep waterways on the Great Lakes, later known as the St Lawrence Seaway and was the Canadian government's watchdog on international water questions such as water levels on the Great Lakes and Lake of the Woods, and the Chicago River water diversion.

Frank Rennicke

In 2001, Ingrid Rimland, the wife of the Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel, published a petition to the Canadian government calling for Zündel's release, which was signed by Rennicke and his wife Ute.

Graham Townsend

He toured extensively throughout Europe and in Australia for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and the Canadian government, and gave a command performance for Queen Elizabeth II.

Hans Reiche

He was released in 1942 with the help of Albert Einstein, who was a friend of the family, and he then started a long career working for the Canadian Government.

Harry Gordon Johnson

In 1977 he was named a distinguished fellow of the American Economic Association, and in 1976 the Canadian government named him an officer of the Order of Canada.

High Arctic relocation

Carver Looty Pijamini was commissioned by the Canadian government to build a monument to the High Arctic relocation which took place in 1955.

Hugh Allan

At the same time that Allan was falling out with the Grand Trunk Railway, the Canadian government had committed to building a railway across to British Columbia.

Ismail Abdul Rahman

Razak was provided with a plane by the Canadian government that took him to Copenhagen, from where he took a commercial flight to Kuala Lumpur.

Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice

In 2007, the Canadian Minister of Health, Tony Clement, cited the journal to justify the Canadian Government's objections to harm-reduction programs.

Kenneth D. Taylor

After the film was previewed at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival, criticism arose that the film unfairly minimized the participation of the Canadian government, and Taylor, in the extraction operation.


Langevin Block, a Canadian government building, including Prime Minister's Office

M. H. Bhutta

He also functioned as an advisor to the Canadian government under David Johnston and Donald Ethell.

Marrina Smallwood

She left home as an adolescent of sixteen years of age to join Beta Flight, a team of super-heroes trained and funded by the Canadian government.

Medo Martinello

In 1992, Martinello was honoured by the Canadian Government with the 125th Anniversary of Confederation Medal "for outstanding Achievements on behalf of Canada".

National Parks of Canada

Exploration led to the discovery of hot springs near Banff, Alberta and in November 1885, the Canadian Government made the springs public property, removing them from the possibility of private ownership and exploitation.

Nick Peros

The Isumataq project was recognized by the Canadian government in March 1993 as a work important for Canada and Canadian culture – a special ceremony was held in the Canadian Parliament, House of Commons to pay homage to Isumataq and was attended by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, the Speaker of the House, the Party leaders and the Members of Parliament.


In 1988, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney gave that long-awaited formal apology and the Canadian government began to make good on a compensation package—including $21,000 to all surviving internees, and the re-instatement of Canadian citizenship to those who were deported to Japan.

North-West Rebellion

Angered by what seemed to be unfair treaties and the withholding of vital provisions by the Canadian government,and also by the dwindling buffalo population, their main source of food, Big Bear and his Cree decided to rebel after the successful Métis victory at Duck Lake.

Peter Aucoin

Aucoin worked in an advisory capacity to the Canadian government at federal, provincial, and municipal levels.

Peter de Francia

He worked from 1949 to 1950 at the Canadian Government Exhibition Commission in Ottawa, and subsequently in the Architects' Department, American Museum, New York (1950–51).

Red Ensign

Canada also used a blue ensign for ships operated by the Canadian government and for the Royal Canadian Navy.

Reference re Persons of Japanese Race

On September 22, 1988, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney gave a formal apology and the Canadian government announced a compensation package, one month after President Ronald Reagan made similar gestures in the United States.

Rustle the Leaf

Because news of the publication spread via the World Wide Web, requests for the copies of the book came in from organizations and nations around the world—including requests from the National Army of Pakistan, the Canadian government, a leading luxury hotel chain based in Indonesia, NASA's Langley Research Center, and an EPA regional office, which asked to be supplied with books anonymously for fear of reprisals from the Bush Administration.

Sir Charles Ross, 9th Baronet

He was an advisor on small arms to the Canadian Government and he designed and built the plant of the West Kootenay Power and Light Co. on the Kootenay River at Bonnington Falls.

The Blue Pages

The Blue pages, a defunct a telephone directory listing of American and Canadian government agencies

The Canadian Conspiracy

Leslie Nielsen, the Canadian government connection as brother to Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, Erik Nielsen;

Vue Weekly

Vue filed a suit against the Canadian government for giving tax breaks, which were designed for Canadian-owned newspapers, to its rival See because Sees parent company was ultimately owned by US-based Hollinger.