
2 unusual facts about Nizari


In the Ismaili Nizari tradition, the term is also used for the guardian of each Jama'at Khana where the Mukhi acts as the tangible symbol of the Imam's authority.


It has active working relationships with NGO's like the UN, the EU, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and government bodies including the United States Agency for International Development, Canadian International Development Agency, the United Kingdom's Department for International Development, and Germany's Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany).


Nizari | nizari |

Abba Yahiyya

Abba Yahiyya or Abu Yahiyya, was the leader of a sect of Afghani Alenzar (Nizariun Hagarenes) who followed an independent Ishmaili Sufi Herat tradition, introduced to the west by Omar Michael Burke in his 1976 book Among the Dervishes.

Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat

The building, as named, serves as a de facto embassy for the Aga Khanate of Nizari Ismailism in Canada, through which the Aga Khan's office (under the auspices of the Aga Khan Foundation) can receive dignitaries of the Canadian government.

Sultan Muhammad Shah

Sultan Muhammed Shah Aga Khan III (1877–1957), 48th Imam of the Nizari Ismaili community

The Wimbledon Trilogy

He is also entrusted with the care of Hasan a blind pupil who is believed by the so-called 'twenty-fourthers' (cf. twelvers), a sect of the nizari ismailis, to be the twenty-fourth imam (cf. Twelfth Imam), whose occultation they eagerly await...

see also