
unusual facts about Cancho Roano


Anna Pujol Puigvehi

As archaeologist she has taught several technical courses in Empuries and with international Franco-Spanish teams has excavated at sites of scientific importance as the oriental palace of Cancho Roano, (Zalamea de la Serena, Badajoz, Spain) or the Gallo-Roman town of Bibracte (Mount-Beuvary, Nièvre, France ), and in numerous sites of different periods and types of Spain, Catalonia (Ullastret, Ampurias ...) and Europe (Saint-Remy-de-Provence, Bourges, Bordighera, Liguria ...).

Rod-and-ring symbol

At the 6th century B.C.E. archaeological site of Cancho Roano, located near Zalamea de la Serena, Badajoz, Spain, a large feature in the shape of the rod and ring symbol was modeled into the floor of the innermost chamber of a Tartessian temple.

see also