The disturbance is said to have taken place on 4 February 1597 at the Logie Candlemas market near Conan House (a mile south-west of Conon Bridge) between men of the Clan Mackenzie against men of the Clan Munro and the Bain family of Tulloch Castle.
Candlemas Island is the setting of a novel by Ian Cameron, The White Ship (1975), which tells of a disastrous expedition to the island in 1975 where members of the expedition must contend with ghosts of Spaniards shipwrecked on the island in 1818.
The cornerstone of the cathedral was laid on February 2, 1898, the feast of Candlemas, by the second bishop of Zamora, Don Jose Ma. Càzares y Martinez.
He coordinated and directed six projects of archaeological investigation in the northwestern low territories of the Mayan area, in the Candlemas river basin, in the irrigation system of San Nicolas Atecoxco, Hidalgo, in the caves with wood boxes of Tenosique, Tabasco, and in the river basin and lagoon at Tamiahua, Veracruz.
On Candlemas Day, 1601, Father Francis Page was about to celebrate Mass in her lodgings when priest-catchers broke in.
Some of the most important occur on New Year’s Day, Candlemas, Holy Week, especially Maundy Thursday, Day of the Holy Cross (May 3), feast of John the Baptist on 24 June, Day of the Dead and the posadas leading up to Christmas.