The fertile lands around the upper reaches of the Condamine River provided an excellent site for the home of early settler, Patrick Leslie.
The area was first named after the British statesmen, George Canning and Sir Robert Peel, by Allan Cunningham.
Darling Downs | North Downs | Churchill Downs | South Downs | George Canning | Lila Downs | Flamboro Downs | Epsom Downs Racecourse | Epsom Downs | Stratford Canning, 1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe | Pro Football: Its Ups and Downs | Anthony Downs | Salisbury Downs, South Australia | Salisbury Downs | Nicholas Downs | Tampa Bay Downs | Suffolk Downs | South Downs Way | Peak Downs | Downs | Deidre Downs | Canning Town | Canning Fok | Canning | Alfred Canning | William Missouri Downs | Victoria River Downs Station | Victor Canning | Sussex Downs College | Surrey Downs |