
unusual facts about Cantus

Abbie Betinis

A 2009 McKnight Fellow, Betinis' compositions have been performed by numerous professional and amateur choruses, including New Amsterdam Singers, Cantus and The Rose Ensemble.

1589 in poetry

Nicholas Yonge, Musica Transalpina. Cantus, verse and music (see also Musica Transalpina 1597)

Adiemus: Songs of Sanctuary

"Cantus Insolitus" borrows its theme from the largo movement of Jenkins' Palladio, as heard on Diamond Music.

Amici Cantus

Amici Cantus has recorded a collection of male choir songs from both Leevi Madetoja (1987) and Selim Palmgren (1990), and has also put out a complete collection of Einojuhani Rautavaara’s unaccompanied male choir repertoire (1997).

Aribert Reimann

His commissioned work, Cantus for Clarinet and Orchestra, dedicated to the clarinetist and composer Jörg Widmann, was premiered on January 13, 2006, in the WDR's Large Broadcasting Hall in Cologne, Germany, in the presence of the composer, who claims the work was inspired by Claude Debussy's compositions for clarinet.

Hildegard Ranczak

Die Boheme - Trude Eipperle, Alfons Fugel, Hildegard Ranczak, Carl Kronenberg, Georg Hann, Georg Wieter - Munich State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Clemens Krauss - Cantus Classic (1940)

Jheronimus Vinders

The Missa Fors seulement is built on the chansons by Antoine de Févin and Matthaeus Pipelare; the Missa Fit porta Christi pervia is based on a plainchant cantus firmus; the Missa Myns liefkens bruyn ooghen uses as its source a secular song in Dutch, by Benedictus Appenzeller; and the Missa Stabat mater uses the motet by Josquin, a composer he evidently admired.

Jörg Widmann

Several clarinet concerti have been dedicated to Widmann and premiered by him: in 1999 through "musica viva", he played Music for Clarinets and Orchestra by Wolfgang Rihm, and in 2006 with the WDR Symphony Orchestra, Cantus by Aribert Reimann.

Mirabeau, Vaucluse

Fifty years later, a bull of Pope Alexander III renewed the rights of the Benedictines of Mont Andaon over Mirabello, with obligation to serve the priory consecrated to the Beate Mariae Magdalena de Ponte Cantus Pernicis.

Saint Martial school

But notated evidence of alternative practices, where the organal voice changes between different strategies of heterophony (parallel and counter movement) and holding notes which support the modal colour of the cantus, can already be found as later added exemplification in monophonic manuscripts of the Abbeys in Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, Fleury, and Chartres.

Trude Eipperle

Die Boheme - Trude Eipperle, Karl Terkal, Wilma Lipp, Alfred Poell, Hans-Hermann Nissen, Georg Wieter - Munich Radio Chorus and Orchestra, Clemens Krauss - Cantus Classics (1951)

Lohengrin - Peter Anders, Trude Eipperle, Helena Braun, Carl Kronenberg, Josef Greindl, Gunther Ambrosius - Cologne Radio Chorus and Orchestra, Richard Kraus - Cantus Classics (1951)

see also