The character of Laura Petrie, the young housewife played by Mary Tyler Moore, caused a fashion sensation – and some mild controversy – by wearing snug-fitting capri pants during the show's run.
Capri | The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants | The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (film) | Ford Capri | Isle of Capri Casinos | The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (novel) | Peppino di Capri | Pants on the Ground | Kid Capri | hot pants | Capri c'est fini | The Misadventure of a French Gentleman Without Pants at the Zandvoort Beach | Mr. Love Pants | ''M. mycoides'' subsp. ''capri'' | I Just Want My Pants Back | Hot Pants Patrol | Cine Capri | Ahna Capri | Action Pants! |