
unusual facts about Captain Britain

Captain Britain Corps

The Corps, not only consists of alternative versions of Brian Braddock from throughout the multiverse, but also characters representing a vast array of different worlds, such as Hauptmann Englande, a member representing a world where Nazis won World War II and Captain Airstrip-One from a world based on George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, while some even vary in species, like an animal version and even more exotic forms.


When he fled from her, traveling to Earth-616 where he knew he had an identical looking counterpart, Earth-616's Captain Britain, she sent armored troops to retrieve him.

see also

Jamie Braddock

In Ultimate Marvel's Ultimate Fallout, Nick Fury is told that the European Union has reconstituted the Excalibur class-Super-Soldier Program which will be led by Brian's brother, Jamie as the new Captain Britain.

Spider-Man Comics Weekly

As well as Spider-Man and Captain Britain, Thor and the Avengers continued from Super Spider-Man and the Titans while the Fantastic Four joined from Captain Britain weekly, only to depart after a few months to headline their own comic, The Complete Fantastic Four.

X-Men: Die by the Sword

Back at the party Pete Wisdom gives Dazzler a brand new motorcycle, Thunderbird and Nocturne have a long conversation as they restart their relationship, and Captain Britain goes to answer another knock at the door where he is stabbed by Rouge-Mort, who is accompanied by multiple figures in black military gear.