
unusual facts about Captain John Smith

Early glassmaking in America

The Dutchmen went to Werowocomoco (an Indian village on the York River fifteen miles from Jamestown) in order to build a house for the Indian chief, and plotted to kill Captain John Smith and steal powders and arms from the settlers.

Johnny Smith and Poker-Huntas

It stars Elmer Fudd's prototype Egghead as Johnny Smith, a caricature of the colonist Captain John Smith, who arrives on the Mayflower to be met by some sarcastic Native Americans as he makes his escape with Poker-Huntas, a caricature of Pocahontas, and makes off to England with her to raise a family.

Nanticoke Wildlife Area

There is a monument commenmorating Captain John Smith's journey into the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries at Phillips Landing along Broad Creek, a tributary of the Nanticoke River in Delaware.

Saponi people

Anthropologist John R. Swanton agrees with James Mooney, Hale, Bushnell and other scholars that the Saponi were probably the same as the Monasuccapanough, a people mentioned as tributary to the Monacans by John Smith in 1608.

Spirit of Seventy Sex

Directed by Stu Segall, Spirit of Seventy Sex is a tongue-in-cheek look at the sex lives of the Founding Fathers, including George Washington (and his wife Martha, who is played by Haven), Benjamin Franklin and Captain John Smith (Holmes).


In later books, legendary people like Gilgamesh of Uruk, Arachne, and Captain John Smith are introduced, all being known in the real world, and given transmortality by Wilson.

University of North Carolina Press

The press has published many multi-volume documentary editions, such as The Papers of John Marshall, The Papers of General Nathanael Greene, The Black Abolitionist Papers, and The Complete Works of Captain John Smith.

see also