"Caran d'Ache" comes from the Russian word karandash (карандаш), meaning pencil (of Turkic origin; "karadash" meaning black stone — used for writing on a "karatash" meaning black slate).
In the neuromuscular junctions AChE expresses in asymmetric form which associates with ColQ or subunit.
The Northern Aché, who are best documented, ranged from the forests near Coronel Oviedo to the Paraná River near Saltos de Guaira, a home range of approximately 20,000 square kilometers.
Next, in the early 1980s a dozen families from the Chupa Pou reservation left to join the Aché band that had been contacted in the Refugio Mbaracayú (Mbaracayu Biological Sanctuary) in April 1978 and was living at a German Mission for Guarani Indians.
:APXS is also an abbreviation for APache eXtenSion tool, an extension for Apache web servers.
Bally Ache was a bay horse bred by brothers Alan and Marvin Gaines at their Twin Oak Farm in Walton, Kentucky.
The Brandenberger Ache River is a 22 km long left tributary of the Inn River in the district Kufstein and flows from North to South to the town of Rattenberg where it merges with the Inn River.
Die Brixentaler Ache tritt nur sehr selten über die Ufer, die häufigsten Überflutungen treten im Bereich der Mündung in den Inn beim Wörgler Stadtteil Söcking und gegenüberliegend in Angath auf.
Elevated expression levels of CCL2/MCP-1, CCL5/RANTES and CCL17/TARC which result in chemoattracted CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations to the surrounding area may be responsible for exerting a downmodulatory effect on the AchE and CHRM3 expressions.
The nominal source of the Jochberger Ache lies at 1270 m above sea level on the Thurn Pass.
Its main tributaries, apart from its headstreams, are the Kitzbühler, Fieberbrunner and Reither Ache, shortly before Kössen the Schwarzlofer from Reit im Winkl, and in Kössen the Kohlenbach and Weißenbach from the lake of Walchsee.
Compared to other Guarani peoples, the Gwarayú are lighter in colour, and bear a striking resemblance to another Guarani group found in Paraguay the Ache.
Heart Ache/Dethroned is a compilation album by the Welsh band Jesu.
During the August 2002 European flood, parts of St. Johann in Tirol were affected by the flood due to high water levels of Kitzbühler Ache and Reither Ache.
From the waterfall the Rettenbach forms the boundary between the parishes of Going am Wilden Kaiser and St. Johann in Tirol and discharges in Rettenbach into the Reither Ache river.
The Aschauer Ache rises at the foot of the Großer Rettenstein and then flows to Kirchberg, continuing to Reith bei Kitzbühel before discharging into the Kitzbühler Ache near St. Johann in Tirol.