
unusual facts about Carbon offset

Carbon offset

Industrial pollutants such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs) have a GWP many thousands of times greater than carbon dioxide by volume.


In 2006 the company was among the first to introduce a carbon offset programme in cooperation with Climate Care paying it to offset 3 tonnes of International Carbon Action Partnership

ICAP is used as an open platform exchanging experiences and linking possibilities in specific linking topics like MRV, carbon offsets or Carbon-Leakage.

Satellite EP

Reverb, an environmental action group 'of the guitarist/vocalist Adam Gardner and his wife, helped to produce this EP as entirely carbon neutral.

see also

Andrew Ference

Ference's association with environmentalist David Suzuki while in Calgary led him to create a carbon-neutral program for the NHL, which now includes over 500 players who purchase carbon offset credits to counteract the negative environmental impact of professional sports.