
unusual facts about Carhaix-Plouguer


In continental histories Carhaix is thought to be Carohaise of King Leodegrance and the Roman city of Vorgium.


Carhaix |

Chemin de Cocaigne

Two kilometers southeast of Loroux, a place that still bears the name of le Carrefour appears to indicate the intersection with a way that led from Carhaix to Lisieux.

État 42-001 to 42-020

The last of the series were allocated to the St-Brieux depot and rented to the Société générale de chemins de fer et de transport automobile (CFTA) after Réseau Breton lines between Carhaix and Paimpol had been re-gauged from metre gauge to standard gauge.

SNCF Class X 97150

Three units, numbered X 97151-153 were built to work the Guingamp to Carhaix and Paimpol lines in Brittany.

see also