
5 unusual facts about Carl Schurz

10th Arizona Territorial Legislature

Finally, the session authorized US$2000 for Governor Frémont and Judge Charles Silent to travel to Washington, D.C., and lobby to have an order by Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz extending boundaries of the Gila River Indian Reservation into the Salt River Valley.

Gustav Pauli

The Carl Schurz Society sponsored Pauli on a lecture tour of the United States in 1935.

Marion Dönhoff

As a diplomat, he was located in Washington for some time, and became a close friend of Senator Carl Schurz.

Schurz, Nevada

The town was named after Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz.

Wilhelm Kunst

Carl Schurz, Lebenserinnerungen bis zum Jahre 1852, Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1906 and 1911.

34th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment

Fritz Anneke (Forty-Eighter of German Origin, Prussian Artillery officer and commanding officer of Carl Schurz during the 1849 campaign in Palatinate and Baden, husband of Mathilde Franziska Anneke)

Carl Schurz, who was later U.S. general, secretary of the Interior and U.S. senator, had been his adjunct officer during that campaign, and his wife Mathilde Franziska Anneke, the famous abolitionist and feminist activist, served as ordnance officer in that campaign.

Theodore Knauth

Knauth served on the Board of Directors of the Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, an organization established to improve German-American relations.

see also

1931 Michigan Wolverines football team

John Kowalik, Chicago, Illinois, Carl Schurz H.S. - 2 games at left guard, 2 games at right guard

Edna L. McRae

Her last award, was her induction to the Carl Schurz High School Hall of Fame just two months prior to her death in Evanston, Illinois.

Whitey Wistert

The story of the Wistert brothers at Michigan began when Whitey's Carl Schurz High School classmate John Kowalik was invited to visit the University of Michigan.