In November 2010, T-Mobile began airing a series of popular television commercials mocking Apple's Mac vs. PC commercials by portraying the iPhone and AT&T network as "a haggard pair of piggybacking fellows" and the myTouch 4G as model Carly Foulkes.
Carly Simon | Carly Schroeder | Carly Rae Jepsen | Carly Fiorina | Bill Foulkes | Mirrah Foulkes | George Foulkes, Baron Foulkes of Cumnock | George Foulkes | George Ernest Foulkes | Carly Lyn | Carly Colón | Reflections: Carly Simon's Greatest Hits | Jerry Foulkes | Greatest Hits Live (Carly Simon album) | Foulkes | Carly's Song | Carly Simon (album) | Carly Rae Jepsen's | Carly Milne | Carly Foulkes | Carly Booth | Anthology (Carly Simon album) |