
unusual facts about Casella

Maurice Senart

The firm was important in the publication of works by many modernist composers in the 1920 including Cras, Casella, Delannoy, Koechlin, Malipiero, and Milhaud.

Alfredo Casella

The resurrection of Vivaldi's works in the 20th century is mostly thanks to the efforts of Casella, who in 1939, organised the now historic Vivaldi Week, in which the poet Ezra Pound was also involved.

Bill Timoney

In April 2010, Timoney made his off-Broadway theater debut at the Soho Playhouse as a standby for the actor Dan Butler in the role of Joseph Flaherty in The Irish Curse, dramatized by Martin Casella.

DeMUG Baroque Ensemble

He has degrees in Violin (Conservatorio ‘F. Morlacchi’ in Perugia, Italy), Viola (Conservatorio ‘G. Rossini’ in Pesaro, Italy) and Electronic Music (Conservatorio ‘F. Morlacchi’ in Perugia, Italy), and received a master in Violin from the Conservatorio ‘A. Casella’ in L'Aquila, Italy,

Marios Varvoglis

He remained in Montparnasse, Paris until 1922 and he maintained close relations with artistic circles that included Casella, Ravel, Varèse and Modigliani, whose last painting was a portrait of Varvoglis.

N.E.M Ida Hilda Casella Vidori

The Ida Hilda Casella Vidori Educational Center is located in the urban area, in the highway from Palmitos to St Lucia, in the neighborhood Nossa Senhora do Rosário, in the city of Palmitos, state of Santa Catarina.

Sandro Ivo Bartoli

His rediscovery of the concertos of Respighi (Bedford, 1991), Malipiero (London, 1994) and Casella (1995), was followed by the first modern performance in the United States of Ottorino Respighi’s Toccata for piano and orchestra, with the Johnson City Symphony under Lewis Dalvit; the concert was broadcast live by PBS and subsequently included in the station’s Great Performances series.

see also