North American Free Trade Agreement | Munich Agreement | Schengen Agreement | Potsdam Agreement | Good Friday Agreement | Caserta | Comprehensive Peace Agreement | Sunningdale Agreement | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade | Dayton Agreement | Wanfried agreement | Renville Agreement | Lancaster House Agreement | Destroyers for Bases Agreement | Bonn Agreement | TRIPS Agreement | Sykes–Picot Agreement | local marketing agreement | Anglo-Irish Agreement | U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement | United States–Colombia Free Trade Agreement | Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet | Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany | Quadripartite Agreement (1947) | Province of Caserta | province of Caserta | Project Labor Agreement | Panama–United States Trade Promotion Agreement | North American Radio Broadcasting Agreement | NHL Collective Bargaining Agreement |
Under the Caserta Agreement of September 1944, all resistance forces in Greece were placed under the command of a British officer, Gen. Ronald Scobie.