The Act includes a prohibition against the use of funds in this Act for enforcement of Executive Order 13502, which encourages executive agencies to consider requiring the use of project labor agreements in connection with large-scale construction projects.
Sweeney sponsored a 2002 law allowing municipalities and other public entities beginning a construction project to enter into a Project Labor Agreement (PLA), an agreement that establishes the terms and conditions of employment and prohibits the use of strikes and lockouts, which can save money by reducing cost overruns and work stoppages, and contribute to decreased labor unrest.
Australian Labor Party | Labor | Manhattan Project | Labor Party | Labor Day | North American Free Trade Agreement | United States Department of Labor | American Federation of Labor | Project Runway | Project Mercury | Munich Agreement | Human Genome Project | The Blair Witch Project | Schengen Agreement | Project Gemini | Project Greenlight | Potsdam Agreement | labor | Good Friday Agreement | Knights of Labor | Project Nike | Comprehensive Peace Agreement | Slave Labor Graphics | Project Blue Book | Federal Art Project | Sunningdale Agreement | Socialist Labor Party of America | Project Orion | National Labor Relations Board | Men's Recovery Project |