Cashew-nut (Kaju) stands next in importance to mango and occupies nearly one-third of the area used to cultivate fruit.
Women are a work force in this area and they are working in brick factories and cashew factories located in and around Puthur.
The products mainly exported by this agricultural arm of the government of the Republic of Ghana include cashew nuts, cocoa seeds/beans, peanuts, ground nuts etc. and augmented agricultural benefits from tillage as gold and red mercury.
Hozon is made from a fermentation process that combines koji, salt and a primary substrate, such as cashews, chickpeas, or lentils.
In 1987, two skins were obtained near Nilambur in northern Kerala, an area that is dominated by cashew and rubber plantations.
Mangoes are a commercial fruit crop of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae) which are an important crop in many countries including India, China, Pakistan, Mexico and Thailand.
This is the most popular of the races to be held during the season of the harvest festival Onam in Autumn on ashtamudi lake in Kollam,the cashew paradise in Kerala.
Ginkgo biloba and cashew, plants containing chemicals closely related to urushiol.