Caspar David Friedrich | Caspar Weinberger | Caspar Whitney | Caspar Schoppe | Andreas Baader | Caspar Hedio | Caspar Bartholin the Elder | Karl Caspar | Johann Caspar Füssli | Johan Caspar von Cicignon | Horst Caspar | Hitler's Children: Story of the Baader-Meinhof Terrorist Gang | Georg Caspar Schürmann | Caspar Wolf | Caspar Schwenckfeld | Caspar Peter Hagerup | Caspar Neher | Caspar John | Caspar de Crayer | Caspar Bartholin the Younger | Caspar Bartholin | Baader |
The Green Party and the FDP.The Liberals have announced they will support the SP's candidate for Leuenberger's seat, while the Swiss People's Party has announced it will put up its own candidate, likely either Jean-François Rime or Adrian Amstutz (Caspar Baader was mooted as a candidate, but declined).