Caspar Bartholin the Elder (1585–1629), Danish theologian and medical professor
Caspar David Friedrich | Caspar Weinberger | Caspar Whitney | Thomas Bartholin | Rasmus Bartholin | Caspar Schoppe | Caspar Hedio | Caspar Bartholin the Elder | Karl Caspar | Johann Caspar Füssli | Johan Caspar von Cicignon | Horst Caspar | Georg Caspar Schürmann | Caspar Wolf | Caspar Schwenckfeld | Caspar Peter Hagerup | Caspar Neher | Caspar John | Caspar de Crayer | Caspar Bartholin the Younger | Caspar Bartholin |
Instead, Danish anatomist Caspar Bartholin credits Franciscus Sylvius with the discovery, and Bartholin's son Thomas named it the Sylvian fissure in the 1641 edition of the textbook Institutiones anatomicae.