Caspar David Friedrich | Caspar Weinberger | Caspar Whitney | David Stoll | Caspar Schoppe | Caspar Hedio | Caspar Bartholin the Elder | One of Stoll's Klein bottle | Maximilian Stoll | Karl Caspar | Johann Caspar Füssli | Johan Caspar von Cicignon | Jane Stoll | Horst Caspar | Georg Caspar Schürmann | Caspar Wolf | Caspar Schwenckfeld | Caspar Peter Hagerup | Caspar Neher | Caspar John | Caspar de Crayer | Caspar Bartholin the Younger | Caspar Bartholin | Arthur Stoll |
About two years before the 1776 death of Pieter Cramer, the Dutch bachelor entomologist, Caspar Stoll also became involved in Cramer's great work "De Uitlandsche Kapellen", illustrated by Gerrit Wartenaar.