Caspar David Friedrich | Caspar Weinberger | Eliot Weinberger | Caspar Whitney | David Weinberger | Caspar Schoppe | Jaromír Weinberger | Caspar Hedio | Caspar Bartholin the Elder | Sharon Weinberger | Karl Caspar | Johann Caspar Füssli | Johan Caspar von Cicignon | Jacob Weinberger | Horst Caspar | Georg Caspar Schürmann | Ed. Weinberger | Caspar Wolf | Caspar Schwenckfeld | Caspar Peter Hagerup | Caspar Neher | Caspar John | Caspar de Crayer | Caspar Bartholin the Younger | Caspar Bartholin | A. G. Weinberger |
The Lonely Guy (1984) (screenplay by Neil Simon, Ed. Weinberger and Stan Daniels) (Based on his book "The Lonely Guy's Book of Life")
San Francisco's Caspar W. Weinberger, Chairman of the California Assembly Government Organization Committee, held a series of state-wide hearings in 1954 and 1955 focused on creating a State Water Project that could supply the growing municipal and agricultural demands of the state.
His time working on the partnership with Prediction Company is detailed in Thomas Bass's book The Predictors New York: Henry Holt, 1999.
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) asked to interview its author, but was met with opposition from the Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger, and David S.C. Chu, Spinney’s immediate superior, who tried to downplay the report saying it was neither factual nor represented the current budget and programs.
Subsequently, Goldman entered service at March Air Force Base in Riverside, California as a commissioned officer and clinical psychologist at the on-base mental health clinic.
In 2011, he signed on as house drummer with Euro blues headliner A. G. Weinberger on the weekly television show Acadeaua.