
2 unusual facts about Catabolism


Micrococci, like many other representatives of the Actinobacteria, can be catabolically versatile, with the ability to utilize a wide range of unusual substrates, such as pyridine, herbicides, chlorinated biphenyls, and oil.

The Ego and the Id

Besides this purely aesthetic reasoning, Freud gives no further argument for the existence of these two opposing instincts—save to (parenthetically) mention "anabolism and katabolism" (56), the cellular processes of building up and breaking down molecules.


Catabolism |


Biliverdin, a green tetrapyrrolic bile pigment and a product of heme catabolism

Transition state theory

Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) is an enzyme involved in the catabolism and recycling of nucleosides and is a target for the development of novel therapeutic agents for T-cell apoptosis in leukemia and in autoimmune diseases.

see also