
unusual facts about Caught in the Act

Shoalwater Bay

Shoalwater Bay is mentioned in I Was Only Nineteen, the #1 single by Redgum from the 1983 album Caught in the Act.

see also

Down and Derby

To this end, they steal Ace's record holding car to reverse-engineer it, the found out that Ace's name is Stacy Lynn but are caught in the act of returning it, barely managing to escape.

Einar Nerman

There is much additional information in Caught in the Act, as well as examples of his work, sometimes said to be "Beardsleyesque."

Good Mornin'

"Soldiers", "Mr. Milk" and "Cathy's Clown" were recorded at Peter Gaudion's Jazz Lane on Thursday 13 June 1996 and were first broadcast on Triple R's live music feature 'Caught In The Act' on 2 July 1996.

Melody MacDonald

MacDonald is the author of Caught in the Act: The Feldberg Investigation (1994), which gave her account of gaining access to the laboratory of Professor Wilhelm Feldberg at the National Institute for Medical Research laboratories in Mill Hill, London.