However, the following year the Project was denied a Clean Water Act permit by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or Clean Water Act (CWA), is the principal U.S. law concerned with limiting polluting activity in the nation’s streams, lakes, estuaries, and coastal waters.
The waste streams generated by cruise ships are governed by a number of international protocols (especially MARPOL) and U.S. domestic laws (including the Clean Water Act and the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships), regulations, and standards, but there is no single law or rule.
1980: USEPA issued an enforcement order under the Clean Water Act stating that the disposal site was a wetland and required a NPDES permit for operation.
In 2005, the library was investigated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Water Act for failing to apply for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.
In 1980, Ambro authored an amendment to the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (Section 106(f)) to require that the disposal of dredged material into Long Island Sound from any federal project, or from any non-federal project exceeding 25,000 cubic yards (19,000 m³), comply with the environmental criteria for ocean dumping under the MPRSA, in addition to the requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.
Beginning in the 1970s with the federal Clean Water Act, serious efforts were made to clean up the river.
In the same year when the Coastal Zone Management, Clean Water, Marine Mammal Protection Acts passed, the Ocean Conservancy was created with the intention of promoting healthy ocean ecosystems through education and science-based activism.
NRDC participates in litigation in federal and state courts to assure the faithful implementation and enforcement of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and many other federal and state laws protecting the environment.
The regulatory mechanism in the United States, a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), prescribes the maximum amount of a pollutant (including nutrients) that a body of water can receive while still meeting U.S. Clean Water Act water quality standards.
The CPW was responsible for the design and construction of the largest capital improvement program ever undertaken at the time, which was to bring the City's sewerage system into compliance with State and Federal water pollution control laws, such as the Clean Water Act.
The Clean Water Act in the 1970s prompted the VA Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to monitor the lower portion of the stream (downstream of the Duck Pond).
Act of Parliament | Act | Statute Law Revision Act 1948 | Statute Law Revision Act 1888 | Act of Congress | water | Reform Act 1832 | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | Endangered Species Act | Digital Millennium Copyright Act | Clean Water Act | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | National School Lunch Act | Water | Statute Law Revision Act 1863 | Criminal Justice Act 1988 | Local Government Act 1972 | Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 | Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act | Communications Act 2003 | Statute Law Revision Act 1887 | Consumer Credit Act 1974 | ACT | Stamp Act | Official Secrets Act 1989 | National Firearms Act | act | Statute Law Revision Act 1867 | San Carlos Water | Hot Water Music |
On April 21, 1999, a federal grand jury charged Chemetco Inc., Feron, and five of his employees with violating the United States Clean Water Act for using an illegal secret discharge pipe to deliberately pump hazardous waste water contaminated with various pollutants and industrial waste including cadmium, lead and zinc into Long Lake (Illinois), a tributary of the Mississippi River.
Mining on either federal, state, or private land is subject to the requirements of the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
Except for diesel-based additive fracturing fluids, noted by the American Environmental Protection Agency to have a higher proportion of volatile organic compounds and carcinogenic BTEX, use of fracturing fluids in hydraulic fracturing operations was explicitly excluded from regulation under the American Clean Water Act in 2005, a legislative move that has since attracted controversy for being the product of special interests lobbying.
During her seven years on the EPW Committee staff, she worked on the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act, the committee's oversight of the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and Everglades restoration.
the Clean Water Act, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and three other federal acts.
As of April 2013, the final permit before mining operations can begin is the Clean Water Act Section 404 permit, issued by the Army Corps of Engineers, which is expected as part of the Forest Service's Record of Decision.
Through restoration projects mandated by the Clean Water Act and advocated by groups such as Heal the Bay and the Surfrider Foundation, the bay's water quality has improved fairly dramatically from its early-1980s nadir.