In 2002-2003, he works with Philippe Leclerc on the animated film The Rain Children, based on a novel by Serge Brussolo.
In addition to his regular authorship, he has written scenarios for several prominent comics artists, among others Georges Pichard and Caza, resulting in a body of comic book work.
The AZA, WAZA, and CAZA accredited zoo was among the first in Canada to be accredited by all three associations.
1928, the name of the Dirección General de Montes is changed to Dirección General de Montes, Caza y Pesca Fluvial during General Primo de Rivera's dictatorship; from then onwards it would depend from the Ministerio de Fomento.
Our Lady of Miziara, Mother of Mercies, is a Marian shrine in the village of Miziara, caza of Zgharta in Lebanon.
The ruins of Parium were under Ottoman rule at the Greek village of Kamares (the vaults), on the small cape Tersana-Bournou in the caza and sandjak of Bigha.
In Peru, during 1964-1966, the Servicio Forestal y de Caza in cooperation with the US Peace Corps, Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, and the National Agrarian University of La Molina established a nature conservatory for the vicuña called the Pampa Galeras – Barbara D'Achille in Lucanas Province, Ayacucho.