
2 unusual facts about Centenarian


The Chronicon of Bernold of Constance records the death in 1097 of Azzo marchio de Longobardia, pater Welfonis ducis de Baiowaria, commenting that he was iam maior centenario.

Emilius R. Ciampa

He enjoyed both watercolor and oil painting, and painted profusely until just before his death, which came just one week short of his 100th birthday.

Annibal Camoux

A former soldier in the service of the King of France, according to his biography, Camoux reached age 100 without losing his strength, which he attributed to his practice of chewing Angelica root.

Charles Kuentz

Charles Kuentz (February 18, 1897, Ranspach – April 7, 2005) was an Alsatian centenarian and veteran of World War I.

Dorothy Frooks

Frooks appeared as one of 'The Witnesses' in Warren Beatty's 1981 film Reds along with fellow centenarian radicals Scott Nearing and George Seldes.

Lee Chamberlin

Lee is the daughter of centenarian author of “Age Less/Live More” and the world's oldest blogger Bernando LaPallo.


Dorothy Nyswander, health educator, centenarian, and mother of Marie

Rovello bianco

In the communes of Taurasi, Bonito and Mirabella Eclano centenarian old vine plantings of the variety still exist and are used in commercial wine production.

Shirali Muslimov

The case of Muslimov became known in 1963, when a young photojournalist of TASS, Kalman Kaspiev, went to Barzavu to interview the centenarian.

see also