The centre is located at the Prins Willem Alexanderhof in The Hague together with the National Archive.
Federal Bureau of Investigation | Shanghai Railway Bureau | Bureau of Land Management | Central Bureau of Investigation | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives | Bureau of Indian Affairs | United States Census Bureau | Amsterdam Centraal railway station | United States Bureau of Reclamation | Bureau of Meteorology | Citizens Advice Bureau | Better Business Bureau | Wuhan Railway Bureau | Regie voor Maritiem Transport | Federal Bureau of Prisons | Bureau of Engraving and Printing | National Guard Bureau | Bureau of Internal Revenue | Bureau of Plant Industry | The Adjustment Bureau | Japan Credit Bureau | Bureau of Meteorology (Australia) | Bureau of Labor Statistics | Bureau of American Ethnology | American Farm Bureau Federation | National Bureau of Economic Research | Elias Sports Bureau | United States Bureau of Mines | Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation | Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs |