
unusual facts about Cephalonia-Zante

Aegean civilizations

Aegean vases have been exhibited both at Sèvres and Neuchatel since about 1840, the provenance (i.e. source or origin) being in the one case Phylakope in Melos, in the other Cephalonia.

Battle of Kamatero

The Battle of Kamatero was fought on the night of 5 February 1827 in Kamatero, Greece (near Menidi) between the Ottoman forces of Reşid Mehmed Pasha and Greek irregulars led by French Colonel Denis Bourbaki (his father was a Greek from Cephalonia).

Carlo I Tocco

Leonardo I Tocco (who was count of Cephalonia 1357–1376 and duke of Leukas 1362–1376) was himself the son of Guglielmo II Tocco (governor of Cephalonia 1328–1335) and Margherita Orsini, sister of Nicholas Orsini and John II Orsini, rulers of Epirus and counts of Cephalonia.


Its panoramic views includes the hills to the northwest, the Ionian Islands including Zante, Kefalonia, Ithaca, the Echinades and the Peloponnese to the south including the Panachaiko, Movri and the Scollis mountains.

Epirotiki Line

Anastassios Potamianos began his first shipping venture in 1850 transporting cargo and passengers along the River Danube between the island of Cephalonia and the city of Brăila.

Giovanni Carandino

He studied mathematics during Cephalonia's occupation by the French in 1808, under the direction of Ecole polytechnique's alumnus Charles Dupin,a very good mathematician, who was a navy officer at that time.

Henry Coote

He later joined the 36th (Herefordshire) Regiment of Foot and served in the Ionian Islands, where he distinguished himself in Cephalonia during the time that Henry George Ward was Lord High Commissioner.

History of discovery and distribution of the remains of Aegean civilization

Aegean vases have been exhibited both at Sèvres and Neuchâtel since about 1840, the provenience (i.e. source or origin) being in the one case Phylakope in Melos, in the other Cephalonia.

Joseph ha-Kohen

One of his chief concerns was also the release of the many Jewish captives taken by the vessels of the Italian republics and by the Corsairs; as in 1532, when Andrea Doria captured many Jews on taking Coron, Patras, and Zante; in 1535, when the emperor Charles V took Tunis; in 1542, when the galleys of Cegala Visconti had imprisoned a number of Jews.


Lourdata is a village on the island of Cephalonia, Greece.

Marshall MacDermott

At Argostoli, in the island of Cephalonia, he became acquainted with Lord Byron, who entrusted him with the three last cantos of Don Juan, to be delivered to Sir John Cam Hobhouse, a commission which MacDermott executed, having just then obtained leave of absence in order to visit England.

Massacre of the Acqui Division

The subject of the massacre was largely ignored in Italy by the press and the educational system until 1980, when the Italian President Sandro Pertini, a former partisan, unveiled the memorial in Cephalonia.

Metropolis of Patras

It had five suffragans, Andravida, Amyclæ, Modone, Corone, and Cephalonia-Zante; even when Modone and Corone belonged to the Venetians they continued to depend on Patras.

Poros, Cephalonia

Successive occupiers - Romans, Franks, Venetians, Italians, French, Russians, Turks (very briefly) and finally the British (until 1834) - controlled Cephalonia and, under the governorship of Sir Charles Napier, settlers from Malta were re-located into the fertile area around Poros in an attempt to implement a model agricultural settlement and re-populate this part of the island.

Vassal and tributary states of the Ottoman Empire

Other states paid tribute for possessions that were legally bound to the Ottoman Empire but not possessed by the Ottomans such as the Habsburgs for parts of Royal Hungary or Venice for Zante.

William Edmonstone

He married at Zakynthos, Greece, on 13 July 1841, Mary Elizabeth Parsons (Newburn, Fife, 21 June 1823 – Cramond House, Midlothian, 11 August 1902), daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel C. M. G. Parsons, who was British Resident on the island of Zante, at a time when the Ionian Islands were a British Protectorate.

see also