On November 30, 1844, the noted Indian Missionary Cephas Washburn, along with Murphy and other prominent individuals, secured a charter for a college known as the Far West Seminary.
Washburn University | Bradford Washburn | Washburn | William D. Washburn | Washburn County, Wisconsin | Washburn County | Mount Washburn | Jim Washburn | Israel Washburn | Deric Washburn | Abigail Washburn | William B. Washburn | Washburn Township, Barry County, Missouri | Washburn Township | Washburn Public Library | Washburn Park Water Tower | Washburn Guitars | Peter T. Washburn | Edward Washburn Hopkins | Cephas & Wiggins | Cephas Washburn | Cephas' Sculpture "Freedom of Speech" 1980. Notice the padlock over the lips. Sculpture was carved from Elm | Cadwallader C. Washburn |