
3 unusual facts about Cernunnos


These gods usually reflect mythological figures such as Cernunnos or Pan, and any similarity they may have to the Christian Devil seems to date back only to the 19th century, when a Christian reaction to Pan's growing importance in literature and art resulted in his image being translated to that of the Devil.

Eko Eko Azarak

Another variant of the chant expanded the Eko, eko opening to four lines, using these words to salute various Wiccan deities, typically Cernunnos and Aradia.

Nebula Man

In addition, his role as the horned Huntsman of the Sheeda has elements of characters from Celtic mythology such as the horned god Cernunnos and later legends such as the King of the Wild Hunt and Herne the Hunter.


Cernunnos |

Clan Mackenzie

The surname Mackenzie in Scottish Gaelic is Maccoinneach which means son of the fair bright one and it has been suggested that it alludes to the pagan god Cernunnos.

see also