Joseph Gutheinz, Omniplan Task Force Leader, largest count conviction in NASA history
fraud | securities fraud | Los Angeles Herald-Examiner | Dr. G: Medical Examiner | Certified General Accountant | Microsoft Certified Professional | Fraud | Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination | The Washington Examiner | Certified General Accountants of Ontario | Certified General Accountants Association of Canada | Peterborough Examiner | Certified Management Accountant | Certified Fraud Examiner | Certified Financial Planner | Certified Association Executive | Allegheny County Medical Examiner | The San Francisco Examiner | Telemarketing fraud | Social Media Examiner | Office of Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York | New Art Examiner | mortgage fraud | Microsoft Certified Partner | Irish Examiner | Internet fraud | Identity fraud | Guinness share-trading fraud | Fraud Discovery Institute | Examiner |
In other countries, some forensic accountants are also Certified Fraud Examiners, Certified Public Accountants with AICPA's Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) Credentials, Chartered Accountants (CA), Certified Management Accountants (CMA) or Chartered Certified Accountants.
Preston H. Long, D.C., Ph.D., (born 1956) is a chiropractor, educator, and Certified Fraud Examiner known as a patient advocate and supporter of evidence-based health care practices.