
2 unusual facts about Certosa di Pavia

Certosa di Pavia

La Chartreuse de Parme by Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) is a novel, published in 1839, that rendered its author at last famous throughout Europe.

James S. Ackerman

His studies were interrupted by his World War II service in the US Army in Italy, which, however, gave him an opportunity to increase his on-site understanding of Italian Renaissance architecture, his specialty—he was assigned to retrieve the archives secured at the Certosa di Pavia.

Andrea Solari

He was one of the most important followers of Leonardo da Vinci, and brother of Cristoforo Solari, who gave him his first training whilst employed extensively on work at the Milan cathedral, and at the Certosa di Pavia.

Giuseppe Rusnati

He also contributed to the Certosa di Pavia and sent many sculptures for the Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy, including to Monte Calvario; to the 9th, 10th, and 15th chapels of the Sacri Monti of Domodossola; to the 13th and 19th chapels of the Sacri Monti of Orta; and the statues of SS Domenico and Francisco in the high altar (1660–1662) for the Sacri Monti of Varese .

see also