
unusual facts about Ceuta

Special member state territories and the European Union

Ceuta and Melilla are two Spanish cities on the North African coast.


Monte Hacho (Abila Mons), the southern of the Pillars of Hercules on the African side of the Strait of Gibraltar, in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta

Antonio Castillo Lastrucci

His works can be found in the Cathedral of St Mary of the Assumption in Ceuta, several churches of Seville, and in other parts of Spain.

Audiencias Provinciales of Spain

Examples include the Audiencia Provincial of Alicante, located in Elche rather than Alicante; the fifth section of the Audiencia Provincial of Murcia in Cartagena; the Audiencia Provincial of Pontevedra, with its fifth and sixth sections in Vigo; and the Audiencia Provincial of Cádiz with a section in the exclave of Ceuta.

Casa de los Dragones

Casa de los Dragones or House of the Dragons is an important landmark in the Spanish exclave of Ceuta on the north coast of Africa, and an extraordinary example of eclectic architecture.

Evgeny Vinokurov

The role of the enclaves as a generator of conflicts between motherland and surrounding states (e.g., Britain and Spain in the case of Gibraltar, Russia and the European Union in the case of Kaliningrad, Spain and Morocco in the case of Ceuta and Melilla) is of particular interest.

Gil Aires

He was an honoured man and a much honoured Knight at the time of King John I of Portugal and an Escrivão da Puridade (Notary/Registrar of the Purity/Secret, furthermore, a Secretary) of the 2nd Constable of Portugal Nuno Álvares Pereira, and some say also his relative, in 1422, and Vedor (Overseer) of the things belonging to Ceuta in 1423.

Muhammad IV of Morocco

A large Spanish expeditionary force landed in Ceuta, which subsequently went on to defeat the Moroccan army at the Battle of Tétouan in February 1860.

Our Lady of Africa

See Titles of Mary for Our Lady of Africa, a devotional title of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Ceuta, Spain

Spanish submarine C-3

Then she, C-2, and C-6 received instructions to form a patrol arc in front of Ceuta harbour to prevent the entrance of the cruiser Almirante Cervera, which had left Ferrol bound for the Gibraltar Strait.

Victimes de nos richesses

Victimes de nos richesses (Victims of our wealth) is a 2006 documentary film exploring the 2005 violence at the Ceuta and Melilla border fences.

Yusuf ibn Tashfin

Yusuf was an effective general and administrator, as evidenced by his ability to organize and maintain the loyalty of the hardened desert warriors and the territory of Abu Bakr, as well as his ability to expand the empire, crossing the Atlas Mountains onto the plains of Morocco, reaching the Mediterranean and capturing Fez in 1075, Tangier in 1079, Tlemcen in 1080, and Ceuta in 1083, as well as Algiers, Ténès and Oran in 1082-83.

see also