
unusual facts about Chagos

Bursa rhodostoma

It is found in European waters, in the Atlantic Ocean off the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Cape Verdes, in the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Lesser Antilles, in the Red Sea, in the Indian Ocean off Aldabra, Chagos, and the Mascarene Basin.


Cauvin Bank, wholly submerged atoll structure in the Southern Part Chagos Archipelago

Monoplex nicobaricus

Regions where Monoplex nicobaricus is found include Aldabra, Brazil, Canaries, Cape Verde, Chagos, European waters, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Mascarene Basin and West Indies.

North East Island

North and East Island group, group of islands in the Blenheim Reef region of the Chagos Archipelago, British Indian Ocean Territory


Ile Takamaka is the name of two islands in the Chagos Archipelago

see also