The Hôtel de Lauzun passed on to the great-niece of Cardinal Mazarin, who fled from the convent of Chaillot with the Marquis de Richelieu and eloped him in London.
He was member of a family of architects; his brother Jacques Carlu for example designed the Palais de Chaillot in Paris.
In 2003, Sadie co-wrote with Robin Walden (aka Deepcutt) the score for a musical theatrical version of Bertolt Brecht's Good Woman Of Szechuan at Théâtre Vidy, Lucerne & Théâtre de Chaillot, starring Irina Brook and Romane Bohringer.
In July 1947 he organized at Club de Chaillot the exhibit "L'art français au secours des enfants roumains"; Constantin Brâncuși participated, Tristan Tzara and Jean Cassou wrote the preface to the catalogue.