No sooner had he left Massawa than he sent forth a demand for a house in Chalacot belonging Nathaniel Pearce, an Englishman then residing in the country, because the Abuna had heard it was the finest one in the realm.
However, a little more than generation later Chalacot had declined; Guglielmo Massaia found only 200 houses with about 1,000 inhabitants and in the 1880s Augustus B. Wylde reported he counted only 80 houses there.
Chelekot is the birthplace of Ras Araya Dimtsu of Enderta chief crown counciler to Emperor Yohavenss IV of Ethiopia 1867-1889.
Tiruwork Wube was a descendant of Ras Wolde Selassie who ruled much of the region and established his capital at Chalacot in the late 1700s.
Empress Tiruwork Wube was accorded full honors by the British troops as her body was carried away to the monastery of the Holy Trinity at Chalacot in Tigray, where her paternal grandfather had been buried.
Chalacot |