
unusual facts about Challenger expedition

Atolla jellyfish

This species was named in honor of Sir Charles Wyville Thomson, chief scientist on the Challenger expedition.

Francis Buchanan White

In 1883,Buchanan White redescribed the known species of the Hemiptera genus Halobates and he illustrated 11 species in colour, with numerous drawings in black and white of structural details.This was one of the parts of the Challenger Report.

Rockall Basin

At the northern end, the channel is bounded by the Wyville-Thomson Ridge, named after Charles Wyville Thomson, professor of zoology at the University of Edinburgh and driving force behind the Challenger Expedition.

William Evans Hoyle

Trained as a medical anatomist, Hoyle is most famous for his monographic studies on cephalopods from major exploring expeditions of his era including the Challenger, the Albatross, the British National Antarctic Expedition and the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition.

see also