It was adapted as the model for the italic typeface developed by Aldus Manutius in Venice, from punches cut by Francesco Griffo and first used in 1500 for the small portable series of inexpensive classics that issued from the Aldine press.
Zapfino, a digital typeface that simulates an italic chancery hand, designed by Hermann Zapf.
Cool Hand Luke | Court of Chancery | Tony Hand | hand grenade | Second Hand | Right- and left-hand traffic | Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers | Chancery Lane | The Hand of Fear | Slow Hand | Learned Hand | Hand in My Pocket | Hand Built by Robots | Augustus Noble Hand | Nugan Hand Bank | Nancy Drew: Secret of the Scarlet Hand | Michael Jon Hand | Kernan "Skip" Hand | Elizabeth Hand | Edward Hand | Delaware Court of Chancery | Clerk of the Crown in Chancery | Bird-in-Hand | The Upper Hand | The Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand | Take My Hand, Precious Lord | Second-Hand Smoke | Red Hand of Ulster | Kevin Hand | I Kiss Your Hand, Madame |