and was the UK distributor of toys by the company Galoob, such as Micro Machines, before Galoob was brought out by Hasbro.
Figures based off the first four series of the revival included variants of, the Ninth Doctor, the Tenth Doctor, companions such as Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and Donna Noble, various secondary and minor characters, and alien enemies encountered such as Daleks, Cybermen, Slitheen, Autons, Clockwork Robots, Scarecrows, and Weeping Angels.
SpongeBob SquarePants (character) | Jerry Seinfeld (character) | Xuanzang (fictional character) | Sonic the Hedgehog (character) | Player character | Forrest Gump (character) | player character | Noddy (character) | Macbeth (character) | Huckleberry Finn (character) | Dolly Varden (character) | Tintin (character) | Thousand Character Classic | Terminator (character) | Rocky Balboa (character) | Prince Caspian (character) | Options Price Reporting Authority | Ophelia (character) | Non-player character | Nikita (Nikita character) | moral character | Mooncat (Childrens TV character) | L'Autre (character) | John Shuttleworth (character) | Donkey Kong (character) | Crash Bandicoot (character) | Cinderella (Disney character) | Chicago Board Options Exchange | Character class | Athos (fictional character) |