Together with the ladies-in-waiting Ulla von Höpken (her sister) and Lovisa Meijerfeldt, she was known as one of "The Three Graces", as expressed by Johan Henric Kellgren in his poem "Gracernas döpelse" - the Graces were the Goddesses of Joy in Greek mythology.
The three sisters of Napoleon could be seen as corresponding to the Three Graces of the court of Apollo.
Next to the garden was a Greek temple containing a statue of the Three Graces, looking down at the river.
Apollo, accompanied by the Charites (Graces), is mourning the death of Hyacinth — but he is distracted when he sees Eurymine and falls in love with her.
Charites |
Monument containing the heart of Henry II of France (1561–1562) Louvre - made in collaboration with Domenico del Barbieri (who designed the pedestal), Pilon was responsible for the eloquent sculpture of the Three Graces, executed from a single block of marble.