Charity Zisengwe (pronounced as Zee-SANK-way) was born and raised in Mutoko, Zimbabwe and grew up in a Christian home where both parents were leaders in the United Methodist Church.
charity | Daughters of Charity | Sisters of Charity | Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul | Comic Relief (charity) | Variety, the Children's Charity | Charity | Charity (practice) | Regions Charity Classic | Mind (charity) | Charity Organization Society | Soul Survivor (charity) | Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary | Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati | Sense (charity) | Scope (charity) | Scope (British charity) | Samaritans (charity) | Foundation (charity) | charity (practice) | Charity Commission for England and Wales | The Lord's Taverners Charity Album | St Mungo's (charity) | Sisters of Charity of St. Paul | Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine | Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth | SANE (charity) | Religious Sisters of Charity | Our Lady of Charity | Lifeblood, the Thrombosis Charity |