The Port Phillip Protectorate was created by the British House of Commons at the instigation of Lord Glenelg.
Charles Darwin | Charles Dickens | Charles, Prince of Wales | Ray Charles | Charles II of England | Charles I of England | Charles Lindbergh | Ulysses S. Grant | Charles de Gaulle | Charles II | Charles | Charles I | Prince Charles | Charles V | Cary Grant | Baron | Charles Scribner's Sons | Amy Grant | Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma | Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson | Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener | Charles Aznavour | Charles University in Prague | Charles Stanley | Charles Bukowski | Charles Mingus | Charles Ives | Grant Morrison | Charles Bronson | Charles Babbage |
Grant was born in Kidderpore, Bengal, India, the eldest son of Charles Grant, chairman of the directors of the British East India Company.
The EEAS was first included in the original European Constitution, a single EU external relations department was seen as necessary to support the proposed single HR post; as Charles Grant, Director of the Centre for European Reform, says it would ' like having a conductor without an orchestra—or rather, a conductor trying to conduct two separate orchestras at the same time.