
unusual facts about Charles I of Austria's attempts to retake the throne of Hungary

Charles I of Austria's attempts to retake the throne of Hungary

On March 28, Czechoslovak and Yugoslavians envoys declared a restoration would be a casus belli; on April 1 the diet (with legitimists abstaining) passed a unanimous resolution praising Horthy's conduct and endorsing the status quo, and calls for Charles' arrest grew (Horthy adamantly refused this); by April 3 Briand publicly denied any deal had been made.

Presidential Administration of Georgia

In front of the administration building, facing the main entrance stands a rotating monument in three colors, designed by Ambassador of Georgia to Germany and granddaughter of last Emperor of Austria Charles I of Austria, Gabriela von Habsburg, representing three branches of government - legislative, executive and judicial.

Reid's Palace Hotel

Famous guests over the years have included General Fulgencio Batista, Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, David Lloyd George, deposed emperor Karl von Habsburg, Roger Moore, Gregory Peck, the poet Rainer Maria Rilke, the missionary Albert Schweitzer, and dramatist George Bernard Shaw.

see also