
2 unusual facts about Charles Moyer

Copper Country Strike of 1913–1914

Shortly afterwards, the president of the WFM, Charles Moyer, was shot and then forcibly placed on a train leaving the Keweenaw.

Scott Hotel

In December 1913, Charles Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners, was in the hotel when he was attacked, shot, and later deported by train to Chicago.

Are They Going to Hang My Papa?

Are They Going To Hang My Papa? is a labor song in support of Bill Haywood, Charles Moyer and George Pettibone, then on trial for the murder of Frank Steunenberg.

Patrick L. Quinlan

In 1907 and 1908 Quinlan worked closely with Connolly on the defense committee working on behalf of persecuted Industrial Workers of the World leaders Bill Haywood, Charles Moyer, and George Pettibone and together they attempted to establish an Irish Socialist Federation inside the SLP.

see also

Colorado Labor Wars

Nonetheless, it is generally accepted that Harry Orchard, the WFM member who for one day acted as a bodyguard to WFM President Charles Moyer, and who would later assassinate former Idaho governor Frank Steunenberg, may have been involved in the crime.