
5 unusual facts about Charles Whitman

Gary Lavergne

Gary M. Lavergne is an American writer of non-fiction novels about Texas mass murderers Charles J. Whitman and Abdelkrim Belachheb, and serial killer Kenneth Allen McDuff.

A Sniper in the Tower (1997), about Charles Whitman, known for shooting people from within and without the University of Texas at Austin's 27-story tower in 1966.

Sniper and Other Love Songs

The album's title song is a vaguely fictionalised account of Charles Whitman's shootings from the clocktower of the Main Building of the University of Texas at Austin in August 1966.

The Delicate Art of the Rifle

Grant became interested in rooftop snipers after his film professor Joseph Gomez pointed out his resemblance to Charles Whitman, (the film is dedicated to Joseph Gomez.)

Walt Whitman, the shooter, is loosely based on Charles Whitman, but the film is not in any way a factual account of the 1966 shootings at the University of Texas.

Ramiro Martinez

Ramiro "Ray" Martinez (born 1937) is a former Austin Police Department officer that accompanied Officer Houston McCoy when McCoy shot and killed sniper Charles Whitman at the University of Texas at Austin on August 1, 1966.

Signal 30

The episode takes place between July 1966 and August 1966, with references to the 1966 World Cup Final, the Charles Whitman shooting rampage, and the crash of Braniff Flight 250.

see also


Jack Keever (1938–2004), American journalist and author, best known his coverage of Charles Whitman's 1966 shooting spree