This scene was depicted in the movie "Young Guns II",however, in the movie the character of Josiah Gordon Doc Scurlock, played by Kiefer Sutherland, is the one who meets this grisly fate and not Chralie Bowdre.
Charlie Chaplin | Charlie's Angels | Charlie Parker | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | Charlie Crist | Charlie Rose | Charlie Sheen | Charlie Brown | Charlie Chan | Charlie Watts | Good Luck Charlie | Charlie Weis | Charlie's Angels (film) | Charlie Rich | Charlie Mariano | Charlie Daniels | Charlie | Charlie Kemp | Charlie Ward | Charlie Sexton | Charlie George | Charlie Black | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film) | Charlie Norwood | Charlie Higson | Charlie Haas | You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown | My Sweet Charlie | Charlie Hunter | Charlie Hardwick |
The Regulators, to include Billy the Kid, Charlie Bowdre, and led by Richard "Dick" Brewer, were in the process of hunting down anyone believed to have been associated with the murder of John Tunstall, which had sparked the Lincoln County War.
The narrative includes his relationship with John and Sallie Chisum, his formation of a gang with Tom O'Folliard and Charlie Bowdre, his standoff with Garrett in Stinking Springs, his arrest and escape from Lincoln, New Mexico, his escape and the ensuing murder of James Bell and Robert Ollinger, and finally his death at the hands of Garrett.