The Oilers took an early lead after a 43-yard pass from George Blanda to Charlie Hennigan.
Then State Senator Harold Montgomery, State Representative, Parey Branton, Mayor Frank T. Norman, and other local officials presented Hennigan with a signed document of his accomplishments.
On the 2009 Showtime series Full Color Football: The History of the American Football League, George Blanda tells this story: "Willie couldn't cover Charley Hennigan in practice, so he was let go, and the Broncos picked him up. The next year we played Denver, and Charley needed nine catches to break Lionel Taylor's record of 100 receptions in a season. Charley got the nine he needed, with Willie covering him. Willie's in the Hall of Fame. Charley Hennigan should be, too."
Charlie Chaplin | Charlie's Angels | Charlie Parker | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | Charlie Crist | Charlie Rose | Charlie Sheen | Charlie Brown | Charlie Chan | Charlie Watts | Good Luck Charlie | Charlie Weis | Charlie's Angels (film) | Charlie Rich | Charlie Mariano | Charlie Daniels | Charlie | Charlie Kemp | Charlie Ward | Charlie Sexton | Charlie George | Charlie Black | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film) | Charlie Norwood | Charlie Higson | Charlie Haas | You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown | My Sweet Charlie | Charlie Hunter | Charlie Hardwick |