
unusual facts about Chatham Island/Rekohu

Chatham Island

The island is called Rekohu ("misty skies") in Moriori, and Wharekauri in Maori.

Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage project

Moriori, the Indigenous people of Rekohu (Chatham Islands, New Zealand) have developed a multi-layer database to integrate research on Moriori identity, cultural heritage protection, land use, and resource management in culturally sensitive ways.

Port Blair

In 1789 the government of Bengal established a penal colony on Chatham Island in the southeast bay of Great Andaman, named Port Blair to honor Lieutenant Archibald Blair of the British East India Company.

Tuku Nature Reserve

The Tuku Nature Reserve lies in the Tuku-a-tamatea (Tuku) River Valley in the south-west of the island of Rekohu, the main island in New Zealand’s Chatham Islands group in the south-west Pacific Ocean.

see also